
Technology security

              We looked at security concepts for keeping your personal data and devices secure. Use the Internet to look up some examples of security breaches, particularly in your chosen career field, that significantly affected a business. Share one of the examples you found and tell us how the organization …

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Social e-commerce

Review the Major Trends in E-commerce 2020- 2021. Add one of your projections for 2022-2023 and provide a brief (1-3 sentence rationale).• Social e-commerce, based on social networks and supported by advertising, emerges and continues to grow, and is estimated to generate about $30 billion in 2020.

The mobile app ecosystem

Review the Major Trends in E-commerce 2020- 2021. Add one of your projections for 2022-2023 and provide a brief (1-3 sentence rationale).• The mobile app ecosystem continues to grow, with over 235 million Americans using smartphone apps and over 145 million using tablet computer apps in 2020.

Typically referred to as big data

Review the Major Trends in E-commerce 2020- 2021. Add one of your projections for 2022-2023 and provide a brief (1-3 sentence rationale).• As firms track the trillions of online interactions that occur each day, a flood of data, typically referred to as big data, is being produced.

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