
Human rights, human values, and human dignity.

Describe the differences between human rights, human values, and human dignity. Fluehr-Lobban shares that for decades she found herself accepting FGM from cultural relativist position, while at the same time criticizing Western practices that were harmful to women and children, such as breast implants or instances of domestic violence.

Similarities and differences between the grief and loss experiences of the two refugee widows in Lenette’s article

Integrate information from 3 sources — Corr Ch 14 (young-middle adults), Harvey et al (on constructing accounts of loss and hope), and Lenette (2 refugee widows) in order to describe and discuss the following: Identify and discuss how the grief and loss experiences of the 2 refugee widows in Lenette’s article are similar to and …

Similarities and differences between the grief and loss experiences of the two refugee widows in Lenette’s article Read More »

Social work Experiment

Find an experiment that evaluated the effectiveness of a social work intervention. Reflect on how well it controlled for threats to validity. Does the study appear to be free of biases. Also critique the studys external validity positively or negatively.

Protestant work ethic

The importance of home and family was balanced against a commitment to worldly engagement that later would be labeled as the “Protestant work ethic.” What was the function of the “Protestant work ethic” in colonial times and is it still in effect today in America? Explain.

Critiquing an article

          file:///C:/Users/pro/Downloads/It_is_really_just_brilliant_to.pdf Be sure to read through the entire essay-and the draft workshop sheet-before you begin the critique. 1. Does the opening paragraph ‘grab’ you? Does it begin energetically, with plenty of active verbs? How else could it be improved? a) State the thesis of this paper. Does it interest you? …

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Gender pay gap

          Compose a proposal. In your proposal, do the following: 1. Identify a problem that is relevant to a professional setting. 2. Describe the significance of the problem. 3. Create a thesis that includes at least one solution to the problem and introduces 2-4 supporting points for the course of action. …

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