political science

The Existence of Core Identity in Canada: Assessing Trudeau’s Statement and Implications for Canadian Politics

  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau caused controversy in 2015 when he stated that “there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” declaring the country to be the “first postnational state.” Do you agree or disagree with Trudeau on this issue, and what are the implications for the study of Canadian politics if there is …

The Existence of Core Identity in Canada: Assessing Trudeau’s Statement and Implications for Canadian Politics Read More »

The Role of the Opposition in a Parliamentary Democracy: Assessing Parliamentary Procedures and Democratic Deficit

The first concerns the role of the opposition in a parliamentary democracy (readings available on Moodle; think also about what you learned from Jennifer Maccarone MNA’s talk to the class ) : What are some of the key parliamentary procedures that dictate the opportunities afforded to opposition MPs to effectively scrutinize legislation and hold the …

The Role of the Opposition in a Parliamentary Democracy: Assessing Parliamentary Procedures and Democratic Deficit Read More »

Factors Impacting the Development of Political Ideology: A Personal Perspective

Political Ideology Paper- Write a three page, double spaced paper in which you explain the factors that impacted the development of your political ideology. Pay close attention to race, religion and socio-economic status. You may include other factors such as gender and region, that the book also mentions. The purpose of this assignment is to …

Factors Impacting the Development of Political Ideology: A Personal Perspective Read More »

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