Measures taken to direct the bidding
What are the measures taken to direct the bidding of non-profit organizations towards developmental and sustainable fields?
What are the measures taken to direct the bidding of non-profit organizations towards developmental and sustainable fields?
What are the incentives that are offered to non-profit organizations that provide services in difficult places, either in terms of crowd density or in terms of poor equipment in the place where the service is provided?
How do the data of the services provided by non-profit organizations and their value appear? (Provide data and information that benefit non-profit organizations and decision makers [opportunities, needs,…])
Where to send reports of services provided by non-profit organizations?
How do non-profit organizations write reports on the size and value of the service?
Who is responsible for holding non-profit organizations accountable in the event of a failure in quality, sufficiency, or adherence to instructions?
On what basis are non-profit organizations held accountable in relation to the provision of services (based on the quality of the service they provide – or based on the adequacy of the service they provide – or compliance with the instructions of the authority responsible for the place – or all of the above?)
How does the authority responsible for the place and the technically supervising authority monitor the provision of services by non-profit organizations? Is there another body that monitors the services provided by non-profit organizations?
How is the adequacy of the services provided by non-profit organizations to the needs assured? who doing it?
How to issue permits for non-profit organizations:a. Is it issued by the authority responsible for the place or the technically supervising authority, or are they with other parties?B. Does the provision of each service require a separate permit, or is it sufficient for the non-profit organizations to be authorized in the activity to be provided?c. …