
The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s

The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s, a trend that has largely continued. Why has this been so prevalent and how has it impacted wages and employment levels? Finally, how do employment levels (unemployment rates) impact wage levels? Develop a thread of at least 500 words. You …

The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s Read More »

The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s

The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s, a trend that has largely continued. Why has this been so prevalent and how has it impacted wages and employment levels? Finally, how do employment levels (unemployment rates) impact wage levels? Develop a thread of at least 500 words. You …

The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s Read More »

The living wage

          What is the living wage (average cost of living with necessities) for your town/city? Look up current job listings in your area. You can also research job listings for your desired profession or use your current position. Would you be able to survive with this job and estimated salary within …

The living wage Read More »

Challenges to low-income families

        What are some specific challenges to low-income families or those living in poverty face? How can these challenges and associated stereotypes of low-income individuals affect the delivery of human services and our relationship with clients? Why is it important for human services professionals to be aware of class bias or classism?

Drawbacks, and overall value of using the triple bottom line (TBL) in business

In this module, you have learned about the benefits, drawbacks, and overall value of using the triple bottom line (TBL) in business. In this assignment, you will take a closer look at how strategies for incorporating this framework are similar and different across the manufacturing industry and the service industry. PromptImagine you are a sustainability …

Drawbacks, and overall value of using the triple bottom line (TBL) in business Read More »

Challenges Facing Urban Planning.

Analyze these 4 Critical Challenges Facing an Urban Planner. How do they affect the planning process? Why do they affect the planning process? What are second-order consequences? :1) Disruptive innovations 2) Financing Difficulties 3) Fragmented and overlapping governments, authorities, and special districts 4) Untangling organizational purpose and organizational strategy.

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets. For both an import good and an export good (in other words, address each bulleted item below twice-once for import and once for export), describe how opening up to international trade affects the following:supply or demand for the particular good,the competitiveness of that good’s market, andhow …

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets Read More »

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