
Limitations when studying Gender in White Collar Crime

Every study has limitations or parts that in retrospect the researcher would like to do differently. Discuss with the class what limitations you identified in your study regarding Gender in White Collar Crimes and if there were some aspects of your study you would do differently if you had the chance.

Defences to crime.

    The law recognizes certain defences to crime. In those cases, even when an individual has committed the guilty act (actus reus) of an offense, they are not guilty of the crime charged. Why shouldn’t those who commit the guilty act always be held accountable for their actions?

Medical misdiagnosis

      Should medical misdiagnosis be a crime? Over the past 20 years, more and more criminal indictments have been taking place against doctors charged with negligence that resulted in the death of patients. Are doctors making mere mistakes or are they negligent or acting in a reckless manner resulting in criminal liability?

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