criminal justice

Miranda v. Arizona

  Research and prepare written briefs of significant court cases. Briefs should include a discussion of the connection between the court findings and Saint Leo Core Value of Integrity. write a case brief on Miranda v. Arizona  

Juvenile Justice System

    Are community-based correctional/treatment programs more effective than incarceration? Explain your reasoning and provide supporting evidence for your argument. Finally, provide an example of an evidence-based practice in community-based programming or in a correctional institution that supports your side of the argument.  

Difference between market justice and social justice

Post a response to the discussion board. In your post, respond to the following prompts: Describe the difference between market justice and social justice.While maintaining confidentiality, discuss a situation you experienced in practice, or another situation, where there was tension between market justice and social justice.Summarize the nursing role in achieving social justice.Use your personal …

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