Obtaining a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree
Why do you want to obtain a DBA degree?
Why do you want to obtain a DBA degree?
The following scenario and corresponding Figure 2.58 are provided below. The website TED.com offers free short presentations called TED Talks, which cover a variety of interesting subjects. One of the talks is titled The Happy Planet Index. In it, Nic Marks comments that we regularly measure and report economic data on countries, such as …
Measuring National Well-being: The Happiness Index and Ecological Footprint Read More »
The following scenario and corresponding Figure 2.58 are provided below. The website TED.com offers free short presentations called TED Talks, which cover a variety of interesting subjects. One of the talks is titled The Happy Planet Index. In it, Nic Marks comments that we regularly measure and report economic data on countries, such as …
Measuring National Well-being: The Happiness Index and Ecological Footprint Read More »
What did you learn about Virtuous Business? How does the VBM affect the ability of a public company to be competitive?
In preparing a compensation plan, an organization must consider all the laws and regulations associated with the pay of special groups (i.e., supervisors, corporate directors, and executives). However, do you think compensation for special groups is excessive? If so, why? Address a law or regulation that is specifically related to special groups that you think …
By the passing of the resolution of the company’s board consenting to the issuance of preferred stock to the investors, what documents need to be prepared and what documents need to be filed with the corporation authorities? Does an attorney need to draft a corporation registration document?
Provide a history of your Apple Inc.company, and identify its strategic goals and mission ou are to include the following. Identify each category by using headings or bold print: The history, development, and growth of the company over time. (2 pages) Identify the corporate-level strategy the company is pursuing. (2 paragraphs minimum) State the business-level …
To what extent does the financial area negatively interfere with marriage and how to avoid it?
Connect your learning from listening to any five of the top 10 most popular episodes of The Consulting Success® Podcast and illustrate the connections to the discovered common thoughts, themes, and trends in the podcasts. Do not write a paper summarizing the Podcasts; your task is to synthesize your takeaways into a paper highlighting what …
Unleashing Success: Common Themes in The Consulting Success® Podcast Read More »
Describe the theories and models relevant to the multidimensional aspects of addiction.o Describe the addictions perspective applicable to the case study.• Competency 2: Apply relevant theories and models to current issues in the field of addiction.o Identify sociocultural factors that affect substance use.• Competency 3: Describe how sociocultural factors influence addictive behavior.