
The relationship between the U.S. Congress and the president

The changes and challenges in the United States from the time of the Founding Fathers’ original vision until the present day Write a 450-word essay discussing the function of and relationship between the U.S. Congress and the president. There is an optional Congress and the President Template available to download and use for formatting this …

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Marketing Communication Ad Campaign

Develop an advertising campaign for our program. Your campaign can focus on a very specific segment, or very widely applied. This campaign needs to include: 1.Budget2.Timeline3.Media selection4.Samples5.Justification/rationale

Influencer marketing

          What makes influencer marketing more advantageous than traditional advertising methods? What are the downsides? How might influencer marketing change? Think from both the perspective of the company, the influencer, and customers. Support answer with examples where possible.    

Big M and little m marketing.

          Define Big M and little m marketing. What would be the likely negative outcome if a marketing plan focuses on strategy while overlooking tactics? Contrarily, what would be the outcome if a plan focused on tactics without strategy?  

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