
Mass Media Analysis

  According to the studied content in point ii, this activity pretends to analyze a mass medium of your choice. Instructions: • According to what you studied in point ii, you will analyze a mass medium of your choice. • Choose a mass medium from the following list: o Print Media o Radio and Television …

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Critical thinking assess the companys information systems and security controls

You are the IT manager for a large international organization. You have been tasked to assess the companys information systems and security controls. Your report should contain: Describe identification, authentication, and authorization. Provide recommendations for this organization. Explore whether you would use Windows ACLs and explain your reasoning. Evaluate best practices for managing Microsoft Windows …

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American Red Cross

      You have seen throughout the course that not-for-profit organizations play a unique role in meeting the needs of humanity. The organizations created to meet these needs are as diverse as the needs themselves. In this discussion, you will apply what you’ve learned in this course to your understanding of the future of …

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Winning Buy-in

Select one of the following scenarios: Scenario 1: You are a budding entrepreneur with a great idea and you want to pitch it on the TV show “Shark Tank.” Your product or service should be something the Sharks will want to sink their teeth into. Scenario 2: You’ve got a great idea you want to …

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Disaster Response

    Pick a recent public health disaster in the news and discuss how a public healthcare organization or agency responded in the first hours or days. What were their priorities? What did they get right or wrong?  

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