Write a report critiquing an essay paper
Abramitzky, R.; L: Boustan and K. Eriksson, (2012) “Europe’s tired,
poor, huddled masses: self-selection and economic outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration”, American Economic Review,
102:5, p.1832-56. Data available online.
The first half of the report should be entirely descriiptive. Do not minimise its importance. It should consist in a descriiption of the main point of the paper
and of its empirical strategy. The second half only should consist in an identification of strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
The paper should answer these questions:
1) Which big debate is the paper contributing to?
2) What is the author(s)’ main point?
3) What is the empirical strategy?
4) In your opinion, what are the strengths of the paper? Any weaknesses?
Mention how violations of the OLS assumptions are dealt with, with
a focus on how instrumental variables (IV) are used to address