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Marin Ewing
Why are research proposals important?
• Research proposals are important because they allows for the writer to indicate why they research is important and how the research will improve the problem. The research proposal also includes indication and validity of the methodology of the research and how the methodology best supports the proposed hypothesis or research questions (Sudheesh, Duggappa, & Nethra, 2016).
What do they tell IRBs?
• A research proposal tells an Institutional Board Review (IRB) the purpose of the research and determines if the research project follows the ethical principles and federal regulations for the protection of human subjects (APA, n.d.). The proposal also states how the research will be funded.
What do they tell funding organizations that award grants?
• Research proposals tell the organizations that are funding the research the many ways the research will benefit and improve a public health issue and how being associated with the research will make the organization look good and reliable (APA, n.d.).
What do they tell the reader?