In addition to your introduction and conclusion, your presentation should include two key parts. First, introduce your broadcaster, its history, its current mandate, its funding model, its programming, etc. Then, conduct an “audit” of how well your broadcaster fulfils its public service role.
GuidelinesYour presentation should include the following sections:Introduction: Context, overview of your key questions/conclusions, outlineBody:Presentation of your foreign public broadcaster: history, mandate, funding model, overview of its programming, number of employees, platforms and services (radio, web, TV), etc. If an important element of information isn’t readily available, say so in your presentation instead of letting us believe that you did not research it.
Audit of your foreign public broadcaster: your analytical grid/framework, methodology, main conclusions, etc. Your audit should be thorough. Don’t simply name drop concepts. Explain your methodology and give us concrete examples.
Conclusion: Summary of your key points, final thoughts
References: Mention sources during your presentation and include one or two slides at the end with a properly formatted (APA) list of the references you used.
When relevant, include very short examples of your foreign public broadcaster’s programming (audio clips, video excerpts, screen captures, etc.). But remember that these excerpts should complement your presentation, not make up for a lack of content.
Only need Audit of your foreign public broadcaster part