A summary write-up on the video “Is Globalization Over? What’s Next For The U.S. Economy?”. Your job is to give an overview of the video while pinpointing the most relevant concepts pertaining to globalization present and future. Your report should also provide definitions for just-in-time, supply chain efficiency and resiliency, intellectual property (look it up online) and discuss them in the context of the video. Also, point out how robotics and automation relate to globalization. This section of your report should not exceed two pages, 1.5 line spacing.
Section 2: A summary write-up on the video “How Amazon Delivers On One-Day Shipping”. Your job is to give an overview of the video while pinpointing the most relevant concepts pertaining to logistics strategies, operations, and technologies, and discuss potential ethical dilemmas pointed out by Amazon’s employees. This section of your report should be no less than one page long and not exceed two pages, 1.5 line spacing.