Assignment: This may be a Virtual visit. (Mint Museums are free Wednesdays from 5-9 PM)
1. Visit an art gallery, art museum, or art exhibit between now and the Due Date
Please revisit Chapter 1.10 for info on how to discuss your observations.
2. Write about your experience in that environment.
– Where did you visit? Provide a link to their website if available.
– What is the history/background of that space or event?
– Is this space/event new to you and how did you find out about it?
– Describe your experience in the environment.
– Was it worth going to or do you feel disconnected from the experience?
3. Write about a piece of work that you noticed.
– Describe its medium, size, and list the artists name. Provide a link to their website if available.
– Did this piece of work grab your attention for specific aesthetic reasons?
– What are the primary Elements of Design in this work?
– What are the primary Principles of Design in this work?
4. Write about its cultural impact within your community.
– Does it have one? How and Why? If not, explain as well.
– Do you feel like you are part of a community experience?
– Would you want to share this work with other people?
– If you could place this work in your community for people to see, where would it be?
5. Post an image of the work.