Assessment plan of a family, group, or agency

A comprehensive assessment plan of a family, group, or agency with whom the student is working in field placement.

  1. What is the individual (family or group) like?
     Describe age, ethnicity, socio-economic-status, and other variables that you think are important; such as occupation, sexual orientation, gender expression, etc.
    How did the individual (family or group) come to your agency for services?
     Are services voluntary? Are services mandated? By whom?
    Are there limitations that affect the individual (family or group) from attending services – such as physical disability, developmental or intellectual disability, any other variable?
  2. What resources are available to the individual (family or group)?
     Is the individual (family or group) capable of meeting the needs/requirements of services?
     Does the individual (or family or group members) have a stable home?
     Is the individual (family or group members) capable of performing activities of daily living?
     Does the individual (family or group members) have health insurance?
    What neighborhood or community resources are available to the individual, family, or group members?
     Is the individual (family or group members) connected to friends, neighbors, church, or community?
    Integrative Assessment Part Two:
  3. What are the individual’s (family’s or group member’s) educational backgrounds, lifestyles, and beliefs?
     What is the level of education of the individual (family or group members)?
     Does this individual (family or group members) have basic linguistic and literacy skills?
     Are their barriers to communication?
     What is the individual’s (family’s or group members) lifestyle and cultural background?
     Does the individual (or any family or group member) have beliefs that are alternative, folk-based, or otherwise outside of the normative dominant culture?
     Are their potential conflicts between you, the agency and the individual’s (or family or group members) belief systems?
     Is the individual (family or group members) able to take in new information easily?
     Is the individual (or family or group member) overwhelmed as a result of the need for services and new information?
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