
6/10/23, 7:26 AM Final Course Project: Homeless Teen Program Analytics Report Scoring Guide 1/1

Final Course Project: Homeless Teen Program Analytics Report Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 10Percentage of Course Grade: 25%.


Clearly identify andexplain the problem.20%

Does not discuss theproblem or issues.

Discusses issues, butdoes not clearlyidentify or explain theproblem.

Clearly identifies andexplains the problem.

Clearly identifies andexplains the problem,and explains thereason it is aproblem.

Identify and explainthe data needed toaddress theproblem.16%

Dies not identify orexplain the dataneeded to addressthe problem.

Identifies the dataneeded to address theproblem but does notexplain all of the data,or does not make thereasons for selectingthe data clear.

Identifies andexplains the dataneeded to addressthe problem.

Identifies andexplains the dataneeded to addressthe problem anddiscusses theimplications of thedata selected.

Describe an analysisstrategy for eachtype of data andexplain a rationalefor selecting thatstrategy.16%

Does not discuss ananalysis strategy.

Incompletely describesan analysis strategy foreach type of data ordoes not discuss all ofthe analyses.

Describes an analysisstrategy for each typeof data and explainsa rationale forselecting thatstrategy.

Describes an analysisstrategy for each typeof data and explains arationale for selectingthat strategy.Discusses theimplications of theanalysis decisions.

Present and discussanalysis results.16%

Does not presentanalysis results.

Presents analysisresults but does notdiscuss them.

Presents anddiscusses analysisresults.

Presents anddiscusses analysisresults. Discusses theimplications of theresults.

Present and explainrecommendations.16%

Does not presentrecommendations.

Presents but does notexplainrecommendations.

Presents andexplainsrecommendations.

Presents andexplainsrecommendations.Discusses strategiesto implement theresults.

Present informationin a well-organizedmanner, witheffective use ofsection headings,correct grammarand punctuation,and correct use ofAPA format.16%

Presents informationin so poorly organizeda manner, or withmistakes in writingmechanics that are sonumerous, that thepresentation itself ishard to understand.

Presents information ina somewhat organizedmanner but not aseffectively as it couldbe (for example,section headings arenot included), ormakes numerouserrors in writingmechanics and APAformat.

Presents informationin a well-organizedmanner, with effectiveuse of sectionheadings, correctgrammar andpunctuation, andcorrect use of APAformat.

Presents informationin a well-organizedmanner, with effectiveuse of sectionheadings, with noerrors in grammar,punctuation, or use ofAPA format.

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