Chronicle of Higher Education

Using the Chronicle of Higher Education as the content source, you are to write an article review/summary. To access the Chronicle follow these steps:

An article review is a critical commentary, which summarizes the contents of the article. Your review should include the key points in the article and how they apply to higher education. It should go without saying, but the following guidelines should be followed (Modified APA style):
a. Papers should be typewritten (Times New Roman 12 pt. font) and double-spaced; no less than 3 pages in length and no more than 5 pages. (1 inch margins, left, right, top, and bottom)

b. Rules of spelling, grammar, and composition will be closely.

c. Papers should be proofread (not just spell checked and grammar checked) before they are submitted to the professor.

d. Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that the opinion that you are expressing is your own. Therefore there is no need to write, “In my opinion” or “I believe”. (Interact with the author: “George failed to support…”)

e. Try to use action verbs whenever possible: avoid passive voice. (I.e. not “The author was trying to convey.” Use: “The attempt to convey.” –Passive voice is usually indicated by the use of “being verbs” …I was being, I will be—don’t use them)

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