6/1/23, 10:49 AM Module Seven Project Preparation Guidelines and Rubric – IHP-630-Q4555 Healthcare Fin & Reimbursement 23TW4
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In this module, you learned how to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and boost revenue-cycle management in healthcare organiza�ons. You also explored how data analy�cs
can be leveraged to maintain a robust revenue cycle.
In this assignment, you will determine how KPIs support the strategic planning and financial performance of the revenue cycle.
This assignment will help you apply revenue-cycle principles to data analy�cs and evaluate the significance of KPIs in strategic planning and financial performance. From a healthcare
management perspec�ve, this assignment will help you explain the role of technology in managing the revenue cycle. This will help you prepare for sec�ons 2 (Strategic Planning), 3A
(Improvement Processes), and 4 (Revenue Cycle Process) in the course project.
Create a short paper on how KPIs support the strategic planning and financial performance of the revenue cycle.
If you need wri�ng support, access the Online Wri�ng Center through the Academic Support module of your course.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Key Performance Indicators: Explain the significance of at least six general key performance indicators (KPIs) from anywhere in the revenue cycle. Consider the following
ques�ons to guide your response:
Why are these KPIs significant?
How do these KPIs impact pa�ent experience?
2. Strategic Planning: Explain how the KPIs you selected support strategic planning. Consider the following ques�ons to guide your response:
What could be some examples of strategic decisions that these KPIs impact?
How would the KPIs guide the organiza�ons to develop price transparency tools for pa�ents?
3. Data Analysis: Describe how you can iden�fy opportuni�es for improving cash flow from an organiza�on’s financial data. Consider the following ques�ons to guide your
How would you capture the data required for the analysis?
How would you restructure the revenue cycle workflows to accommodate opportuni�es to improve the cash flow?
4. Leveraging Technology: Explain how you can leverage technology to support opportuni�es for improving cash flow. Consider the following ques�ons to guide your response:
Which workflows in the revenue cycle would best accommodate technological changes?
What types of technological innova�ons should be considered for an improved performance of revenue-cycle opera�ons?
All the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your cita�ons should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the textbook or module resources) of credible
sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP
630 Library Guide located in the Start Here sec�on of the course for addi�onal support.
What to Submit
6/1/23, 10:49 AM Module Seven Project Preparation Guidelines and Rubric – IHP-630-Q4555 Healthcare Fin & Reimbursement 23TW4
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1294006/viewContent/23784937/View 2/2
Submit your short paper as a 3- to 4-page Microso� Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Add a �tle page. Sources should be
cited according to APA style.
Module Seven Project Prepara�on Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Key Performance Indicators Exceeds proficiency in anexcep�onally clear andinsigh�ul manner, usingindustry-specific language
Explains the significance ofat least six general keyperformance indicators fromanywhere in the revenuecycle
Shows progress towardproficiency, but with errorsor omissions
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Strategic Planning Exceeds proficiency in anexcep�onally clear andinsigh�ul manner, usingindustry-specific language
Explains how the selectedKPIs support strategicplanning
Shows progress towardproficiency, but with errorsor omissions
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Data Analysis Exceeds proficiency in anexcep�onally clear andinsigh�ul manner, usingindustry-specific language
Describes how to iden�fyopportuni�es for improvingcash flow from anorganiza�on’s financial data
Shows progress towardproficiency, but with errorsor omissions
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Leveraging Technology Exceeds proficiency in anexcep�onally clear andinsigh�ul manner, usingindustry-specific language
Explains how to leveragetechnology to supportopportuni�es for improvingcash flow
Shows progress towardproficiency, but with errorsor omissions
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in anexcep�onally clear andinsigh�ul manner
Clearly conveys meaningwith correct grammar,sentence structure, andspelling, demonstra�ng anunderstanding of audienceand purpose
Shows progress towardproficiency, but with errorsin grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling,nega�vely impac�ngreadability
Submission has cri�cal errorsin grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling,preven�ng understanding ofideas
Scholarly and ProfessionalSources
Incorporates more than twoscholarly, current (within thelast five years) sources, oruse of sources isexcep�onally insigh�ul
Incorporates two scholarly,current (within the last fiveyears) sources that supportclaims
Incorporates fewer than twoscholarly, current (within thelast five years) sources, ornot all sources supportclaims
Does not incorporatesources
APA Style Formats in-text cita�ons andreference list according toAPA style with no errors
Formats in-text cita�ons andreference list according toAPA style with fewer thanfive errors
Formats in-text cita�ons andreference list according toAPA style with five or moreerrors
Does not format in-textcita�ons and reference listaccording to APA style
Total: 100%