2. Ensure that the neighborhood you have chosen actually has sources that you can access for your research project. If you have any of the following neighborhoods, I will allow you to pick a different one:
● Archer Heights, Clearing, Elsdon, West Lawn, Mt. Greenwood, Beverly, Hegeswich. (Feel like more neighborhoods belong on this list? Just ask.)
3. Develop a driving question. This is a question that you’ll be focusing on for the entirety of your project.
● What problem do you want to see resolved? Why?
● What steps have the community you’re focusing on taken to resolve the issue?
● ANSWER IT! (This is your thesis statement)
4. Compile research.
● For step 2, I will allow you to simply paste links (if using online sources) until you’ve compiled the ten pieces of evidence you need. (I will make you submit a formal bibliography for step 3, so if you’d like, you CAN cite the ten pieces of evidence in APA style to make your life easier.)
● For evidence, you are allowed to use a newspaper publication more than once, so long as there are no more than two pieces of evidence per author.