Your posts should be informative, substantial (several paragraphs) and the initial post submitted by Friday.
Discuss your ideas with at least one other students by midnight prior to the week ending.
Your total of 2 posts (1 initial post and 1 response) must be submitted on 2 different days throughout the week.
Include the Survey Monkey link so others can take your survey
Be sure to review the grading requirements.
Week 3 Data Analysis Discussion Question:
Expanding on our discussion about the use of data analytics in retail, you are going to create a survey in the free version of Survey Monkey to gather data
related to some aspect of retail operation that would relate to one or more of the 3 core goals of big data learned this week. You are designing this survey so
that you can gather data, create a report and analyze the data you have gathered.
Clearly identify the the goal or goals you are using as the basis of your survey
Identify 2 objectives of what you want the survey to accomplish based on the goal(s) selected
Create a 7-10 questions survey related to the the objectives you have identified (be sure to identify which questions relate to which objectives)
Provide the link to your survey so others can take your survey
Discuss how the goal(s) related to your objectives and why you think the objectives you created would be important to management as they relate to one or
more of the core goals of big data. In your response, take at least one of your classmate’s survey, analyze the survey, and comment on how you feel their
survey meets the objectives they identified in their post.