In this module, students are introduced to some of the challenges encountered when transporting goods around the world. It is vital to consider these challenges when planning and executing transportation strategies to ensure efficiency within business operations.
In preparation for this discussion, please read the Module 4 Notes and Required Reading.
In your discussion, choose a product (different from the one you are using for the final project). Conduct preliminary research into the product and industry characteristics for that product.
In your initial post, utilize the module notes, required references, and your own research to complete the following:
· Identify (name) two government regulations related to packaging and/or climate change that impact transportation of goods in the U.S. AND analyze how your two chosen government regulations influence transportation planning and execution strategies.
In your response post, utilize the module notes, required references, and your own research to address the following:
· Consider the regulations identified in your peer’s post and analyze how those regulations might differ from regulations impacting transportation and distribution strategies in the U.S. and in global markets.
Your response should be substantive (at least 150 words) and include reference citations, when applicable, using APA formatting.
After you have posted your introduction, be sure to come back periodically to read what others have posted.