
Week 3 Assignment: Hypothesis Development


Instructions: Use this worksheet to develop and formalize your formal research hypothesis. A hypothesis is a clear statement that defines the independent and dependent variables in easy-to-measure terms and the relationship between them. A good hypothesis is grounded in theory and research and is falsifiable (or testable). Reviewing Chapters 2 and 3 will be helpful for this assignment (and your upcoming midterm!).

Research Question

1 point

Provide your research question (this may have been revised based on feedback from the discussion board last week).


6 points

Provide your formal hypothesis.

Theoretical Justification: Reason 1

2 points

· Please provide one major reason, based in the literature, that leads you to your hypothesis

· Make sure to provide supporting references

· If done well, this will directly contribute to the outline of your literature review section in your research proposal

Theoretical Justification: Reason 2

2 points

· Please provide one major reason, based in the literature, that leads you to your hypothesis

· Make sure to provide supporting references

· If done well, this will directly contribute to the outline of your literature review section in your research proposal

Identify Variables

4 points

· What are the variables?

· Which variable(s) could be considered independent variables?

· Which variable(s) could be considered dependent variables?

Measure Variables

5 points

· Please list each variable and how it is operationally defined (in other words, how it will it be measured)

· If done well, this will directly contribute to your measures section in your research proposal


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