

1. Expected returns
Stock1 Stock2 Stock3 Stock4 Stock5
10.00% 18.00% 5.00% -5.00% 2.00%
2. Variance-covariance matrix
Stock1 Stock2 Stock3 Stock4 Stock5
Stock1 0.01500 0.00830 0.00774 0.00843 0.00890
Stock2 0.00830 0.00600 0.00896 0.00079 0.00388
Stock3 0.00774 0.00896 0.00900 0.00583 0.00250
Stock4 0.00843 0.00079 0.00583 0.00400 0.00157
Stock5 0.00890 0.00388 0.00250 0.00157 0.00070
3. Porfolio
Use solver to find out portfolio allocation
Weight1 Weight2 Weight3 Weight4 Weight5 Sum Return(Rp) Variance (VARp) Risk Please post your screen shot of solver setup window.
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

Given expected stock returns, variance/covariance tables, given the portfolio initial weights , please find portolio weights that maximize portfolio returns and meet the following criteria:1. Sum of stock 1 and 2 and <=50%2. Weight in stock 5 is less than or equal to 7%.3. Weight in stock 3 is greater or equal to 10%.4. Minimal stock weight is 1%What is your finding of portfolio allocation?Please post your screen shot of solver setup window.Weight1 is [a] Weight2 is [b] Weight3 is [c] Weight4 is [d] Weight5 is [e] Enter your answer without any decimals, format in percentage, and enter the numbers without % sign.For example, if weight 1 = .1234 ( 12.34%) , please just enter 12 as your answer.

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