
5/15/23, 2:43 PM Project One Guidelines and Rubric – ENG-123-J7150 English Composition II 23EW5 1/4

Project One Guidelines and Rubric

Course Outcomes

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Develop stylis�cally appropriate wri�ng that incorporates strategies for wri�ng to a given audience, subject, and purpose

Incorporate feedback from peer review for improving the quality and effec�veness of one’s own wri�ng

Write informa�ve introduc�ons; coherent theses; well-developed, organized, and supported body paragraphs; and

conclusions that are persuasive and supported by effec�ve research

U�lize appropriate research for developing a well-informed posi�on through wri�en composi�on


In this course, you will write a persuasive essay. Crea�ng a wri�ng plan is a major step in the process of wri�ng your persuasive

essay. A good wri�ng plan will help you form your argument, determine your audience, pick evidence to support your key points,

and organize the structure of your essay.


Use this wri�ng plan to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for wri�ng your persuasive essay. This process will allow

you to develop a poten�al structure for effec�vely communica�ng and suppor�ng your claim. Addi�onally, this plan will help keep

your thought processes on track when you begin wri�ng and revising your essay.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Wri�ng Plan

1. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay. Explain how the argument relates to your major, the major

you are considering pursuing, or your field of work.

A. Ensure that your topic is debatable. Are you able to see at least two perspec�ves to this argument?

2. Iden�fy the poten�al challenges you may encounter in suppor�ng your argument with a specific audience.

A. First, state the audience you will be wri�ng to.

B. Then address the challenges of suppor�ng your argument with this audience.

3. Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. What will this essay need to successfully meet your goal?

4. Determine three key points that will be helpful in suppor�ng your argument and provide ra�onale.

5. Provide a brief descrip�on of at least two sources that support the key points of your argument.

A. First, list the authors and the �tles of each source. These sources may be books or ar�cles you iden�fied in a

previous assignment.

B. Then provide a brief descrip�on of how each may reinforce your argument.

6. Explain how you plan to effec�vely integrate evidence into the essay.

7. Explain how your instructor’s feedback on previous assignments has influenced your progress moving forward.

A. What changes did you make to your wri�ng plan a�er receiving this feedback?

B. If you did not make changes, how did the feedback reinforce the direc�on of your essay?

What to Submit

Submit your project as a 2- to 3-page Microso� Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-


ENG-123-J7150 English Composition II 23EW5

5/15/23, 2:43 PM Project One Guidelines and Rubric – ENG-123-J7150 English Composition II 23EW5 2/4

inch margins. If sources are used, follow APA or MLA cita�on guidelines when ci�ng sources both throughout and at the end of your

paper. While you will not be graded on the quality of your cita�ons in this assignment, you may receive guidance from your

instructor on how to properly cite sources.

Wri�ng Plan Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

Wri�ng Plan:Argument

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Describes theargument to beaddressed throughthe persuasive essay,including how theargument is derivedfrom a major, a majorbeing considered, ora field of work (85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude clearlyconnec�ng a majoror a field of workwith argument orhaving a debatabletopic (55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


Wri�ng Plan:Audience

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Iden�fies thepoten�al challengesthat may beencountered insuppor�ng anargument with aspecific audience(85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude accurateiden�fica�on of anaudience and/orinclude thechallenges ofsuppor�ng anargument (55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


Wri�ng Plan: Goal Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Establishes a goal tobe accomplishedwith the essay (85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude aligning thegoal with the essaytopic (55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


Wri�ng Plan: KeyPoints

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Determines the keypoints and ra�onalethat will help supportthe validity of theargument (85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude rela�ng thekey points to theargument (55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


Wri�ng Plan:Suppor�ngResources

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Provides a briefdescrip�on of how atleast two sourceswill be used tosupport the keypoints of theargument (85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude clear andaccurate alignmentof the resources tothe key points (55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


Wri�ng Plan:Integra�ngEvidence

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Explains how theevidence would bemost effec�velyintegrated (85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude morestrategic integra�onof the evidence(55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


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Wri�ng Plan:Feedback

N/A Describes how theinstructor’s feedbackinfluenced progressmoving forward,describing specificchanges made to thewri�ng plan basedon the feedbackreceived (100%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but with errors oromissions; areas forimprovement mayinclude a descrip�onof specific changesmade to the wri�ngplan based on thefeedback received(55%)

Does not a�emptcriterion (0%)


Ar�cula�on ofResponse

Exceeds proficiencyin an excep�onallyclear, insigh�ul,sophis�cated, orcrea�ve manner(100%)

Clearly conveysmeaning withgramma�cal choices,sentence structure,and spelling,demonstra�ng anunderstanding ofaudience andpurpose (85%)

Shows progresstoward proficiency,but withinconsistencies ingramma�calconven�ons,sentence structure,and spelling,nega�vely impac�ngreadability (55%)

The submission hascri�calinconsistencies ingramma�calconven�ons,sentence structure,and spelling,preven�ngunderstanding ofideas (0%)


Total: 100%

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