Financial reports

The name of the assigned company is given in the table below.

  1. Introduction of the company including sector information, history of the company, vision, mission, ownership structure, organizational structure, significant achievements in history if any.
  2. Financial reports (excel) of minimum last three years (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash flow statement).
  3. Conduct Ratio Analysis in Excel (A, B, C and D classifications given in the chapter 2).
  4. Conduct Vertical and Horizontal Analysis for last three years.
  5. Calculate EFN while assuming 10% sales growth, constant dividend payout policy and running at less than full capacity.
  6. Calculate WACC of the company.
  7. Dividend Information and policy for the last three years.
  8. Valuation of Company (price per share).
  9. Future perspective of the company.
  10. Conclusion and References.
    The Company:
    S# Student No. Company
    17 202112027 SACO
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