Biographical Information


Choose any one of the war poets we have read and write a research paper about Biographical Information
In this paper, you should include any historical or biographical background YOU deem necessary to understanding their poems/stories.
Historical References.
Some of our poets refer to specific people or events in history. Which episodes/people do they choose to use and why? After researching these people/events, what do we need to know in order to understand the works more fully? How does history help us understand these works? Do the authors alter or distort history? How so and why?
Biographical Information.
How does the biography of any one of these authors help you understand the work as a whole? Does the author alter any key personal events in his fiction? Why and how does he do so? Warning: although this topic is very appealing, be sure you have a SPECIFIC argument regarding the relationship between the author’s life and work, or else your paper will be too broad.

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