The course competency of Global Perspective







This assignment asks you to demonstrate the course competency of Global Perspective by constructing an evidence-based argument that integrates multiple perspectives on an issue in

Modern US History. The ability to understand different perspectives is not only a critical skill for historians, it is a skill that is essential to functioning as a well-informed citizen in today. This assignment asks you to create a dialog between two historical figures for the purpose of better understanding diverse historical perspectives.

Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course / in school / in this field / in professional life beyond school:

• Devise a hypothetical dialog between two historical figures on an important issue or even in modern U.S. history

• Reconstruct each figure’s perspective on the issue and distill their key arguments in your own words

• Use primary sources together with prior knowledge to engage in critical thinking about the figures and the topic.

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