owner of scientific knowledge?


Looked at topics that influence society in some fashion. Complete an in-depth research project based on a current bioethical issue: owner of scientific knowledge?
Write a paper that contains the following elements:
a.  A cover page with the title, your name, class, and the date submitted.
b. About 1500 words to 2000 to cover the topic ( It takes about 1800 for a paper that covers the material at an “A” level.) This is 5-6 pages using Times New Roman font, 12 point, double- spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides (with correct spelling and grammar, of course)
c. Quotations of 100 words total, or less (placed where appropriate and effective.)  “More” in this case, is not necessarily “better”.  Do not surpass 100 words quoted over all, but have at least one appropriate quote.
d.  Internal citations for quotes and paraphrasing throughout the paper, documented according to the MLA Style).  All internal citations must have a “Works Cited” entry referring to them.
e.  A “Works Cited” (references) page with references documented according to the MLA Handbook.  All “Works Cited” references must have an internal citation in the body of the paper referring back to them.
f.  A minimum of 5 reference sources.  None may be from a general encyclopedia, It must be from a printed resource, one ethics website and 2 must be Internet sources. More than 5 references may be cited. Attempt to balance the references among viewpoints.
g  .  Your paper should include the following information:
1.  A cover page with a centered title, your name, class and date.
2. A section introducing the bioethical question and containing scientific background information and a historical perspective.  The biological basis of the topic will be addressed and explained in this section.  (This will take about two pages, if well done. Be sure you use internal citations throughout.)
3.  The viewpoints about the bioethical issues with a substantive section explaining various perspectives.  Delineate each viewpoint and describe the arguments supporting that viewpoint. Do not argue for any one perspective.  (Again, be sure the citations are complete and correct.)
4.  A considered opinion, backed by ethics, supporting your viewpoint of the ethical use of this technology.  This is the time to take an ethical stand, and argue the ethical viewpoint constructively.  (This is not the time for a rant!!  A scholarly paper is done in a non-emotional, even-handed manner.)  Be sure to cite any sources you use and base your response in ethics.  Use third person.  The word “I” should never appear in your paper.
5.  Your “Works Cited” page in proper MLA style, double spaced throughout.  Be sure that your URLs are done correctly.


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