How are REGIONAL and CONTACT metamorphism different?
Define “foliation”, and with which type of metamorphism is it associated?
Describe how foliation develops in a metamorphic rock:
Just LIST the four types of foliated metamorphic rocks, in order from lowest-grade to highest-grade metamorphism:
Just LIST the non-foliated metamorphic rocks:
What is a “protolith”?
List the protolith for each metamorphic rock type listed below (hint: it’s possible that the same protolith can be used more than once): a. quartzite b. marble c. amphibolite d. schist e. slate f. metaconglomerate g. phyllite h. gneiss
Explain the difference between relative age and absolute age;
Summarize the relationship between eons, eras, periods, and epochs.
What is an unconformity?
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