Scenario: You are a senior executive at a hospital away on vacation. While you are away a tsunami hits a major city in a neighboring state. As a result of this devastation 150 elderly individuals will be evacuated to your hospital for care for numerous health issues. Because these people resided in a major city, there are people from different genders, races, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, and political views. Additionally, many key personnel will be working long hours for several days to help the influx of patients coming to the hospital.
Assignment: This semester you completed 6 case study analyses pertaining to:
• Leadership (Case Study 1, Module 3)
• Motivation (Case Study 2, Module 4)
• Strategizing (Case Study 3, Module 6)
• Quality control (Case Study 4, Module 7)
• Medicare (Case Study 5, Module 8)
• Culture (Case Study 6, Module 12)
Using information from these chapters, write an information letter to the junior administrator on
duty, Dr. Eric, and walk him through the steps he must take to keep everyone comfortable,
healthy, and well cared for by describing the key skills and competencies needed to be successful
while also addressing any issues he may face