Observing history

7.1 In the first step, you will gather five articles using the national archives newspaper collection. Use the link in the assignment section to access the
archives page. Through the use of the articles and textbook, provide at least a three to five paragraph summary of the historical event or issue (course
outcome 1 & 3). Assessment used: readings and summaries
7.2 Using the articles, provide three to five paragraph analyses of how the authors of the articles wrote about the event/issue. What arguments and methods
did they use to convey their narrative? Did they have a personal feeling or political leanings regarding the matter? (Course outcome 1 & 3). Assessment used:
readings and summaries
7.3 In three to five paragraphs, explain the outcome of the event/issue. Does it still impact our discourse in the U.S. today? Do you think there have been
improvements in the country following this moment in history? If so, how? If not, explain (course outcome 1 & 3). Assessment used: readings and summaries
Assignment: (300 pts)
For your Final Exam/Final paper, you will provide an analysis of a historical event within the American experience, such as the experiences of African
Americans, women, wars, economic, riots, or court cases, from 1865-1965. Using newspaper articles from the Library of Congress Newspaper Digital
Collection Chronicling America « Library of Congress (loc.gov) you will search for at least five to seven articles documenting the event. If you can, try to
procure articles from a historically black newspaper company.
Writing Task: The written portion consists of three parts:
Part One: Using these sources as well as your book, provide at least three to five paragraph summary of the historical event.
Part Two: Provide three to five-paragraph analysis on how journalists wrote about the event. What arguments and methods did they use to convey their
Part Three: In three to five paragraphs, do you think we have improved as a country since the outcome of the event/issue or is there still work to be done
regarding this issue.
Writing: Is the writing clear and meet the standards of college level writing i.e., grammar, mechanical and transitions between paragraphs. Does the writing
adhere to the guidelines stated in the instructions which includes:
12pt font size
Calibri or Times New Roman Font Style
Title page
Name and Date
Clarity: Is the objective clearly stated in the paper i.e., the issues the student decided to investigate in the project. Does the introductory paragraph provide a
clear objective of the paper? Within the body of the paper, is the narrative cohesive and clearly explains the background and analysis of the event? In the
conclusion, does the student reintroduce the objective and evidence as well as provide a cohesive closing of the broader paper?

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