This is a presentation by Dr. Steve Robbins on Unintentional Intolerance. I saw him at a Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) Conference in
2007. I have seen him speak one time before. He has an amazing way of getting a point across and helping you understand what he is talking about. This is
probably one of the best presentations I’ve heard related to diversity. It is about 1 hour and18 minutes long. Since this is an audio of his presentation and he
uses flip charts, you will have to use your imagination at some points. But I believe it will be worth it.
Write a paper based on the material presented in Chapter 7 and the audio speech shown above, “Unintentional Intolerance”. The paper will be on Diversity and
Unintentional Intolerance. How does diversity, inclusion, and biases impact organizations? What are your thoughts on this? This paper should be between
two and five pages long, double spaced.