Employment Grievance Procedures and Resulting Controversies

Assignment Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to bring together the various requirements, evidence, and facts about topics that teachers and administrators must know about school law, using books, journal articles, and other research based materials. As a graduate student, it is critical that you continue to stay abreast to current research in the area of school law in order to guide others and best serve your students.
Assignment Objectives: Students will demonstrate effective, graduate level writing skills and their understanding of a specific topic within school law.
Assignment Details: After selecting a school law topic of choice, students will collect research based educational materials to analyze and construct a 10-page paper to address the specific areas in the rubric below. Our course materials and textbook will be great resources and starting points for constructing this paper. Depending on the topic, you may choose to give a comprehensive overview of an area with general guidelines for practice, or you may examine selected issues after an overview. Perhaps you want to break down a topic into a component part, if you find that is too broad for purposes of this assignment. Where appropriate, you may focus on state laws or local school division policies.

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