Review closely the most recent Annual Report / Form 10-K (including the MD&A and the notes to the financial statements) and respond to the requirements below
3)From this company’s STATEMENT OF STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY (or equivalent) for the most recent
year, other than net income, identify (description and amount) the transaction or activity that
caused the largest change (positive or negative) in a stockholders’ equity balance; briefly discuss
(a sentence or two) what the company is doing with regard to that transaction or activity.
4) From this company’s STATEMENT OF C ASH F LOWS for the most recent year, identify (description
and amount) the transaction or activity that caused the largest change (positive or negative) in
investing activities cash flows and the transaction or activity that caused the largest change
(positive or negative) in financing activities cash flows; briefly discuss (a sentence or two for each)
what the company is doing with regard to those transactions or activities.
5) Evaluate and discuss whether your group would be interested in being (i) an INVESTOR in this
company and (ii) a LENDER to this company; provide relevant explanations, especially using
information from the Annual Report.