In a 3–4-page essay, describe a phenomenon that you would like to study using naturalistic observation. You will design this mini-study in sufficient detail to
carry out this hypothetical project should you choose however you will not be collecting or analyzing data to complete the assignment.
Consider a phenomenon which you have observed and have a scientific interest in answering (for example political discussions always causing problems at
family gatherings). It can be related to your work or career, family or friends, or any observation you have made. It should be any observation that has
triggered an intellectual curiosity in you.
Describe the phenomenon you would like to investigate. Develop an overarching research question based on that scenario. A broadly framed research
question can serve as a basis for initial and emerging sub‐questions. A single overarching question allows a researcher to capture the basic goals of the
study in one major question. A clearly stated overarching question can give direction for the study design and collection of data and offer potential for
developing new, more specific questions during data collection and analysis.
Include a descriiption of all aspects of your design within your paper: