Different approaches to the concepts of commodity

To consolidate your understanding of Karl Marx’s theories of exploitation under capitalism as well as different approaches to the concepts of commodity
fetishism and ideology, watch the required documentary, David Redmon’s Mardi Gras: Made in China (2005), which tracks the production and consumption of
Mardi Gras beads. After watching the documentary, draw on Part IV and Part II notes, and the additional required reading by Gary Lapon, “What Do We Mean
By Exploitation,” to write a brief essay answering the following questions. Note that to answer these questions and succeed on this assignment, you are
strongly advised to watch the documentary more than once and take notes as you watch it.
1) In your own words, explain Marx’s theory of how exploitation works under capitalism. To answer this question, you will need to explain the differences
between use-value, exchange-value, and surplus-value, what produces value according to Marx, and how capitalism reproduces exploitation and inequality.
Next, describe the conditions of labour in which Chinese workers are producing the Mardi Gras beads, as well as the roles in and justifications for this labour
given by the Chinese factory owner, Roger Wong, and the American distributor, Dom Carlone. How would Marx’s theory of labour, value, and exploitation
under capitalism account for the production of the Mardi Gras beads?
2) In your own words, explain commodity fetishism and the different approaches taken to this practice by the false consciousness theory of ideology versus
the cynical reason theory of ideology. Next, analyze some of the answers given by people at the Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans when the
documentarist asks them if they know where the beads come from. Which of the responses of the Mardi Gras celebrators might be seen as an example of a
false consciousness version of commodity fetishism? Why? Which seems more like a cynical reason version of commodity fetishism? Why? One way to
approach this question is to choose responses which seem particularly good examples of one or the other approach to commodity fetishism and compare
and contrast them. You may draw on the responses of Mardi Gras celebrators provided at any point in the documentary, but note that some excellent
responses can be found in a brief sequence beginning at minute 31 of the documentary.
Your papers should take an essay form.
Arguments from the unit notes, the textbook, or the article by Lapon, should be either paraphrased or cited using American Psychological Association (APA)
citation and format style. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html.
Provide a reference for the documentary in your reference page as follows:
Redmon, David. (2005). Mardi Gras: Made in China. Carnivalesque Film Productions.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, using a 12-point font.
Referencing Style
All references should be cited using American Psychological Association (APA) citation and format style

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