Elements and concepts in painting

Compare and contrast the following formal elements and concepts in each painting:
Quality of line
Light and Shadow
Space and form
Naturalism vs. Abstraction
While a formal analysis looks primarily at the form and not the content – here, be sure to discuss HOW the differences in these formal elements effects the
emotional response the viewer has to each painting. Example: how is Nolde’s image of Christ more emotionally charged than Montegna’s?
This is a formal academic paper – therefore – first person narrative voice should not be used. (No “I,” “me,” “my.”)
Titles of artwork should always be in italics.
Artists should never be referred to be only their first name: Nolde, or Emil Nolde, but never just Emil.
Try to avoid words like “great,” or “things” or “gets” as descriiptors or adjectives – be more specific. Instead of saying “the artist is great at rendering
naturalistic space…” consider “the artist’s representation of three dimensional space if effective because…”
Here are the links for the two images
( https://artforus.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/crucifixion/)
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mantegna,_Andrea_-_crucifixion_-_Louvre_from_Predella_San_Zeno_Altarpiece_Verona.jpg)



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