1) Record your overall score from the SLPI for Challenge the Process.

2) Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Challenge the Process list your areas of
leadership strengths for this practice:

3) Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Challenge the Process, list your areas of
leadership improvement. These are behaviors which you said you do not do as frequently and are
opportunities for improving and strengthening your leadership capacity for this practice.

4) Take Action: Identify ONE LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR related to Challenge the Process
practice that you would like to improve and will commit to practicing over the next
couple of weeks. What are you going to do? How are you going to do it? When/Where
are you going to practice? Be specific. Tip: See the actions at the end of each chapter
for suggestions.

Part Two – Practice OUTSIGHTING (30 points)
OUTSIGHTING – Seeking the World and Intentionally Bringing it INTO your World
Why? Change your perspective, learn from others, learn from different situations. Our way of thinking and doing is hard to change. Outsighting is leadership technique to go do and experience, and then bring that “new” or “different” learning into your thinking.
STEP 1: Identify something that is a challenge for you currently. It can be a challenge personally or a challenge at work or in another context. What is your challenge?

STEP 2: Review the list of ways to OUTSIGHT. These are just ideas as there could be many others not listed. But to get some perspective, new ideas, different ideas to address your challenge, I want you to intentionally seek ideas from THREE of these different approaches. You can do more if you choose to do so or you can add ONE different idea (do 2 of the list and 1 from your own idea).
• Talk to someone you have never talked to before and bring up your challenge to gain their perspective on how to approach it.
• Observe – watch how someone else is addressing your challenge and what they are doing to succeed.
• Travel – go to a different location (different school, different work location, different town, etc.), and see how someone else addressed your challenge. Maybe you can do this also via Internet to a different culture/country.
• Take a different path or do a different routine – sometimes if we travel a different way to school/work or change our routine, we will then be aware of new things that change our perspective and give us new ideas.
• Seek information in a different way or from a totally different source. For example, if you have a challenge about how to raise young kids, instead of searching for information directly on that issue, look at how to raise teens and see if it gives you a different perspective. Maybe it informs how parents wish they had raised kids when they were younger or maybe some share what they did that seemed to work years down the road. Or if you are wanting to find a career and you are a business student, instead of searching specifically in your discipline, look for how to find a career as an engineer or art student. Again, you are looking for that different perspective to trigger some different thinking.
• Look at your competitors. What are they doing that works or what are they doing that is not working? Look at them with non-biased eyes.
• Look to those who are critical or complain about your actions. Seek input from someone you believe is critical of your approach.
• Do something completely different for you (paint a picture, do a puzzle in the student center, talk to a stranger, go to coffee show and listen to conversations around you, etc.)
• Visit a new business, restaurant, organization that seems to be doing things differently than the norm – go see what it is all about. What norms have they shifted?
• Watch a TedTalk or listen to a podcast about a topic that is new/different for you.


What did you do? Describe what happened, what you took away from this approach. How did it help you in addressing the challenge?


What did you do? Describe what happened, what you took away from this approach. How did it help you in addressing the challenge?


What did you do? Describe what happened, what you took away from this approach. How did it help you in addressing the challenge?

Putting it all together. Reflection (want 2-3 good, detailed paragraphs of reflection)
Explain how the OUTSIGHTING EXERCISE informed how to approach your current challenge.

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