Create a lesson for online delivery.
Complete the following in your online lesson plan:
Describe which educational theory your plan is based upon and why you believe this is the most appropriate theory.
Describe and justify your instructional strategies.
Address how you will introduce the lesson, teach the main material, wrap up the lesson, and transition into the assessment. Indicate if your strategy changed for online delivery, and if so, why.
Explain why you chose each strategy and why you think each one is effective for each part of your lesson.
Outline and provide three examples of how you plan to respond to the needs of different types of learners: learning disabilities, English language learning students, and so on.
Describe your strategy to ensure inclusion for all students in the class, such as specific questions, analogies, or in-class activities.
Identify remediation activities for students who need help or additional time to fully understand or complete the lesson.
Identify additional material or activities to keep gifted students engaged if the lesson appears too easy for them.
Describe the difference between your formative and summative evaluations for this lesson.