“border thinking”

What do you understand for “border thinking”? Share an example to illustrate the answer.
Which term do you think better contains the Latino American and Spanish Caribbean immigrant experience in the US, Latino/Hispanic or Latinx? Explain why?
At this particular time, when nationalism and fences are arising in the world, the “linguistic terrorism” (Anzaldúa) challenges this narrative. Morales’s article reveals that intolerance toward foreign languages resides also inside the Latinx community. The opposition to different language registers creates conflict and undermine the “other”. Moreover, this opposition is extensive to Spanish and English speakers; to the ones who use the “perfect Spanish” versus the “broken Spanish” or Spanglish. How do the authors mentioned in the article positioned themselves toward the use of language? Select one of them and elaborate your response (Piri Thomas, Tato Laviera, Sandra María Estévez or Junot Díaz).
Which other topic caugth your attention in the reading? Share your thoughts with the class?

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