State Teacher Standards and Your District Teacher Evaluation System



NELP Standards: 1.2, 4.3, 6.3, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 Using your state’s Teacher Standards (found on Department of Education website) or InTASC Standards, evaluate
your district’s Teacher Evaluation System looking for alignment to the standards.
Understand and demonstrate the capacity to lead improvement processes that include data use, design, implementation, and evaluation. (NELP 1.2 – R)
Understand and demonstrate the capacity to evaluate, develop, and implement formal and informal culturally responsive and accessible assessments that
support data-informed instructional improvement and student learning and well-being. (NELP 4.3-R)
Understand and demonstrate the capacity to reflectively evaluate, communicate about, and implement laws, rights, policies, and regulations to promote
student adult success and well-being. (NELP 6.3-R)
Understand and have the capacity to develop and engage staff in a collaborative professional culture designed to promote school improvement, teacher
retention, and the success and well-being of each student and adult in the school. (NELP 7.2-R)
Understand and have the capacity to personally engage in, as well as collaboratively engage school staff in, professional learning designed to promote
reflection, cultural responsiveness, distributed leadership, digital literacy, school improvement, and student success. (NELP 7.3-R)
Understand and have the capacity to evaluate, develop, and implement systems of supervision, support, and evaluation designed to promote school
improvement and student success. (NELP 7.4-A)
Write a 3-4 page summary of your findings, including the following:
Write a brief descriiption of your district’s evaluation system (e.g. number of walk-throughs, formal observations, differences between novice and
experienced teachers, etc.)
Is there a definition for Effective Teaching?
What should all teachers – across all content areas – know and be able to do to ensure that every PK -12 student reaches the goal of being ready for college
and/or career?
How are standards reinforced in your district?
How is data used in the evaluation system?
What professional development is available to teachers for continuous growth – is it effective?
What support do teachers receive throughout their career – what would you recommend for improvement with evaluation system and/or professional
development opportunities?
Your paper whould be in APA format and be thorough with evidence to support your opinions

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