Building Organizational Resilience: The Importance of Digital Resilience


As you have learned, building resiliency in your organization is one of the main reasons you need a contingency plan. Resilience means the ability to “bounce back” or recover from a crisis event, disaster, or even small emergency.
In today’s technology-driven world, businesses rely heavily on technology, and many functions are digitized. A major goal of your disaster recovery plan is to include digital technologies to ensure business functions can continue regardless of the crisis or emergency.
After reading the attached article, write a 400-word post answering the following, building off the article and using all you have learned in the module about organizational resilience.
· Discuss the basics of organizational resilience. Why is it important in your organization or one you know of?
· Cite 2-3 examples of ways digital resilience can be built into a contingency plan.
· In the article, the authors discussed the use of digital resilience as a way to absorb major shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Share an example (other than COVID) where a business could absorb a shock. How did this contribute to the development of resiliency within that organization?

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