Vaping has become a prevalent public health issue in recent years

The Public Health Topic:
Research the above public health issues and services, and write a five to six page
paper on your findings following the American Medical Associa!on guide (AMA citation
style) . When you look at these issues what do you find? Choose the suite of issues you want to discuss (or if it is strong enough, a single
issue) and use research to support your findings. Your paper should address the following
public health principles, and in doing so you can present ways our society can address the
research. I would suggest you look through the Healthy
People 2030 website to get a be”er understanding of
Public Health’s job in addressing these areas.
1. What is the Problem?
2. Principle of the Aggregate: Public health focuses on the health needs of the en!re
3. Principle of Prevention: Public health emphasizes preven!on.
4. Principle of Epidemiology: Public health relies on epidemiology (the science of understanding the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations) as its method of inquiry.
5. Principle of Community Organiza”on: Public health organizes community resources to meet health needs.
6. Principle of Leadership: Public health leads when others cannot or will not.
7. Principle of the Greater Good: Public health gives first consideration to interven!ons that provide greater good for the greatest number of people.
8. Cri”que of References: For at least two of your most commonly used cita!ons, evaluate each one separately indicating each component of quality using the criteria presented in the table below. Your critique does not have to be in a table format, but you do need to address each of the items if your source is from the web. In wri!ng your paper and citing work, you should be selec!ng sources that are good reliable and valid sources of information.
9. Bibliography (numbered in AMA format)


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