The Classroom a Global Community: Nationality and Region

  1. What are some ways in which teachers might continue to educate themselves about new methods related to prejudice reduction while simultaneously keeping up with student needs and school requirements, especially when time is such a problem?
  2. What experiences have you had in educational institutions that were effective at developing positive intergroup relations? What aspects of the contact hypothesis were evident?
  3. If a close friend or family member were to make a prejudiced comment or tell an ethnic joke, would you protest? Why or why not? What about if it was a stranger who said the same thing? What if it was about a group of which you were a member?

Chapter 7
The Classroom a Global Community: Nationality and Region – submit responses to questions 1, 2, and 3
The Case Study teacher, Nate Kozlowski, developed a number of activities and curricular redesigns that infused global awareness into his sixth-grade curriculum. Still, he is bothered by several aspects of his work.

Reflective Questions

  1. How can he continue to educate himself about new methods of global education while simultaneously keeping up with student needs and school requirements? Time is definitely a problem.
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