“What Good Data and Good People Can Accomplish”

Read “What Good Data and Good People Can Accomplish” and “Pete Buttigieg Was An Effective Mayor-With A Gaping Blindspot”, and listen to the following podcasts:
All Podcasts From:
Podcast: Podcast: Data Driven Decision Making in Kansas City, MO – ELGL https://elgl.org/podcast-data-driven-decision-making-in-kansas-city-mo/?msclkid=9480691abad011ecb0c5422c02670626
Podcast: Podcast: Data & Procurement in Boston, MA – ELGL https://elgl.org/podcast-data-procurement-boston-ma/?msclkid=a7dc4e08bad011ecb68c992f72613f23
For each article and podcast: Given the information above, and for each article and podcast:
1. What did you find most interesting related to the use of data and
2. Royse, Thyer, and Padgett talk about the “threat” of program evaluation in the chapter on Pragmatic issues. How would you go about using program evaluation and data so as not to make people in the organization feel threatened?


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