Videos: (for Writing Assignment)
Elementary: Word Study in Action: Activating Prior Knowledge (~4 minutes)
Middle school: I Do, We Do, You Do: Scaffolding Reading Comprehension in Social Studies (~6 minutes)
High school: Think-Pair-Share (~4 minutes)
Writing Assignment: Modifying Activities
View the videos above which show teachers at various grade levels helping students with reading comprehension. For each grade level (elementary, middle, and high school), begin by summarizing/describing what you see happening in the classroom. Next, share what you see the teacher doing well. In other words, what do you see that is supported by what we’ve talked and read about this semester? Then, answer this question: How would you modify or adapt the lesson for ELLs? So, you will have three sections – one for each grade level – and address the questions above in each section. Don’t forget to cite using APA to support what you are writing about.