Plan, create, and reflect on what technology resource you are going to use to cover your learning activity and assessment activity. The learning and assessment activities should be so that each student is required to be an active participant by completing the activities on a device. An instructional presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) will not work for this project unless you provide links that lead the students to the activity or assessment. Use the provided Technology Application Template and the following guide to assist you in completing this assignment.
Plan for the learning activity and assessment activity:
• What subject (Math, Science, Social Science, or Reading for elementary and special education candidates) would I like to address in my learning activity and assessment? You must use the same subject for both the learning activity and assessment. (Secondary candidates should choose a subject in their licensure area.)
• What topic would I like to cover in that subject for my learning activity and assessment? If you select Math, you might select fractions as your topic. If you pick Science, you might select the weather as your topic. You must use the same topic for both the learning activity and assessment.
• Research your subject and topic to help determine what you are going to cover in your learning activity. Do the same for your assessment activity.
• Locate at least one ISTE standard that supports your educational choices. Include the full written standard and standard number on your chart. The link to the ISTE standards can be found under Technology Application Resources.
• What technology tool (app or software) do you want to use to cover this topic and subject for your learning activity? What additional technology tool (app or software) do you want to use to cover this topic and subject for your assessment activity? You need to confirm that the tools you’ve chosen allow you to create the learning activity and assessment. You cannot use a game, quiz, lesson, etc. already pre-made. For example, Quizlet and Kahoot would allow you to create a new activity, but ABC Mouse and IXL would not.
• Research the two technology resources you are going to use. Look at educational learning activities and/or assessment activities that other educators have created using these resources for inspiration for your own creation. See the provided Technology Application Examples for ideas and clarification on how this assignment is to be completed.