Undoubtedly, as you read through the five viewpoints on the relationship between psychology and Christianity, you agreed with portions of each viewpoint and disagreed with other portions. Additionally, as you read Creation Regained by Wolters (2005), you likely saw the relevance of viewing human phenomena through the lens of the Grand Narrative. This Final Paper Assignment is the capstone project of this course, in which you will present your view of the relationship between psychological science and a biblical worldview. Using the examples that you’ve seen in Johnson’s (2010) text, write your viewpoint of this relationship and how it will affect how you do research in your specific research area.
While you are free to develop your Final Paper Assignment in whatever direction you desire, the Final Paper Assignment should include the following:
• A clear name and definition of your viewpoint.
• A discussion of the key elements of your viewpoint with discussion of how your view is similar to and different from the five views studied this term.
• A discussion of how the Grand Narrative, referencing information from Wolters’ text, plays a role in your viewpoint.
• Support from research, philosophy, and Scripture for your perspective. You must build a good, logical argument, using citations, for why you hold the viewpoint you do.
• A discussion of what research from your viewpoint will look like in your research area.