
 To Prepare:

Identify two opposing family systems across the world (e.g., North America versus South America or an eastern country versus a western country) and compare the societally-embedded family values for each of these systems. You might explore topics such as family values, family structure, caregiving priorities/expectations, or care expectations (spoken or unspoken).


Post by Day 4 a description of the two family systems you selected, including your comparison of the embedded family values in each. Then explain at least three implications of studying aging from a cross-cultural perspective.


· Kunkel, S. R., & Settersten, Jr., R. A. (2022).  Aging, society, and the life course (6th ed.). Springer.

· Chapter 5, “Aging and the Family” (pp. 110–132)

· Silverstein, M., & Giarrusso, R. (2010).    Journal of Marriage & Family, 72(5), 1039–1058. 

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